

Forfas Publish Entrepreneurship Development Policy Report

14 November, 2007

Forfas have this month published a new report "Towards Developing an Entrepreneurship Policy for Ireland".

The report focuses on developing entrepreneurial activity in Ireland by building on Ireland's strengths and providing for a mechanism to reduce barriers to entrepreneurship on an ongoing basis. It identifies key areas for development relating to culture, education and entrepreneurship amongst women and immigrants. The report recognises that the current level of entrepreneurial activity in Ireland is good and that a number of positive features are present which are highly supportive of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial activity. However it also noted that, in light of a forecasted moderation in economic growth and a decline noted in the 2006 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor in the number of early stage entrepreneurs, it is very important at this stage that we take measures to build on the current entrepreneurial momentum for the future.


Download the report online:


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